Recap: youth clinic a success
The future stars of Revolver and Fury emerged for a sunny Sunday of Ultimate in the foothills of Pleasanton on April 17. The first thing the kids learned may have been one of the most important lessons of the day: how to get fired up! With the classic Revolver refrain to remind everyone what it takes to reach the top, captain Robbie Cahill lead a slow building roar into the call and response: “What is it?” — “Not enough!”
The youth split into groups by age and learned ability and rotated between four stations: marking, throwing, offensive tactics, and defensive tactics. A midday scrimmage preceded lunch and later in the afternoon the hosts played a fast-paced exhibition that featured Mike Payne’s sarcastic PA announcing and Mac Taylor tripping over a hurdle and falling into a lacrosse goal after toeing in a score at the back of the endzone. The kids may have been more interested in the raffle for Revolver, Jam, and Fury jerseys, hats, and shorts up until that point of the exhibition…

Thanks to Allen Thoe and Jordan Rose for logistics, Jon Levy and Mike Payne from Revolver, and Lakshmi Narayan and Alicia White from Fury for preparing the agenda. We look forward to our next opportunity to work with the Bay Area youth!
Bay Area Youth Clinic by Revolver & Fury – April 17th
The Revolver guys love being part of the Bay Area Ultimate community, and one of our team goals is to support and enhance that community as much as possible. As we all know the kids are the future (that’s why Kanner is on the team, not because he’s good now!), so we’re combining with Fury to run a boys and girls Ultimate clinic on April 17th. best places to visit . The clinic will run for about 5 hours, and will include teaching, practice, scrimmages, and exhibitions (plus some good food!). We are anticipating 100’s of kids, and most of Revolver and Fury will be there. If you’re a youth player interested in participating, please reach out to Allen Thoe at